Are green beans healthy
for babies?
Yes. Green beans are an excellent source of vitamin K—an essential nutrient that plays a key role in blood clotting. They also contain vitamin A (for healthy eyesight and immune systems) and vitamin C, a critical nutrient that helps our bodies absorb iron from plant-based foods, which is important for babies at this stage in their lives. Lastly, green beans help fuel your baby’s body with protein and move things along in the digestive tract thanks to plenty of fiber within the tender pods.
So, are green beans safe for babies starting solids? Yes. Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the European Food Safety Authority has found that the level of nitrates in vegetables is not a concern for most children, and nitrates from vegetables appear to be less of a concern for babies older than 6 months of age. Therefore, we believe that the benefits of eating vegetables as part of a varied diet of fresh foods outweigh the risks of excess nitrate exposure from vegetables. If you’re worried, nitrate exposure can be reduced by avoiding deli meats (and other processed meats) and well water, which can be high in nitrates.
It's a fact!
“Bean” is a broad term that we use for a variety of plants from the family “Leguminosae”. Beans were also found in the tombs of the kings of the ancient Egypt where they were left as the food for the departed and their souls in the afterlife, Green beans are snap beans—a sprawling family of legumes whose tender pods are eaten before their tiny seeds mature and swell from soaking up sun and water. Snap beans go by different common names depending on the variety. Aside from green beans, there are bush beans, pole beans, string beans, and wax beans, to name a few. While green beans might be the most widely recognized, snap beans actually range in color, from red to purple to yellow, even speckled and striated. All trace back to the common bean that was cultivated by Indigenous people of Central and South America for thousands of years before colonizers took the seeds to Europe. There, exotl (the Nahuatl name for the string-like beans) became ejote in Spanish, and domestication and global trade led to the many varieties eaten around the world today.