peanut butter
Food Type: Legume
Age Suggestion: 6 months +
Nutrition Rating:
Common Allergen: Yes
May cause allergic reactions.

Are peanuts healthyfor babies?
Did you hear the new study everywhere on the news , that shows eating peanuts extends your life? Yes. Peanuts pack a powerful nutrition punch. They contain plenty of protein, fat, and fiber to nourish the body and antioxidants that may support heart health. Peanuts are also rich in essential nutrients that work together to grow the brain (folate, vitamins B6 and E, and zinc) and energize the body (copper, vitamin B3, and magnesium). Real Nutrition for Disease Prevention
A separate 2019 study by the National Institute of Health took a wider view of the power of nuts—this time examining their impact on risk of disease as well as mortality for adults aged 50-71. Researchers found overall nut consumption lowered mortality risk by 22%, and lowered risk of dying from cancer, cardiovascular disease, respiratory, infectious, renal and liver disease.3 These results were similar to what researchers found in 2015, where peanut consumption lowered risk of dying prematurely by 21%.4
Are peanuts a common allergen?
Yes. Peanut allergies in children are on the rise, with a greater risk among babies with severe eczema or an existing egg allergy. If you believe a baby may have a peanut allergy or if a baby has severe eczema, consult a pediatric allergist before introducing peanuts.
Unfortunately, peanut allergies tend to be lifelong. Only about 20% of children outgrow a peanut allergy. Furthermore, kids who are allergic to peanuts have a greater chance (between 25 and 40%) of being allergic to one or more tree nuts. Interestingly, for those with peanut allergies, highly refined peanut oils are typically tolerated because the allergenic peanut proteins are removed during processing. However, unrefined peanut oil still poses a risk of allergy due to retained proteins within the oil.
A groundbreaking study demonstrated that the early introduction of peanuts could significantly reduce the risk of developing a peanut allergy later. Following the study, the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases now recommends that peanuts be introduced before a baby’s first birthday while considering any risk factors.
As with all food allergens, it’s best to start small. In each one of our baby purees, we serve a scant amount (such as a pinch of ground peanut or 1/8 of a teaspoon of smooth peanut butter). During the first few meals, watch closely as reactions don’t always occur at first. If there is no adverse reaction after several meals, you can gradually increase the quantity of the serving over next couple days by adding an additional 1/8 tsp of peanut to our purees, by clicking the add peanut option!
How to prepare peanut butter for your baby!
Every baby develops on their own timeline. The preparation suggestions below are for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for professional, one-on-one advice from your pediatric medical or health professional, nutritionist or dietitian, or expert in pediatric feeding and eating. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or seen here.
4 to 6 months old: Babies in this age range are not usually developmentally ready to feed themselves, so peanut is generally only recommended for introduction between 4 to 6 months of age if a doctor or allergist determines that the early introduction of the allergen is desirable (due to pre-existing risk factors for the development of peanut allergy such as severe eczema, egg allergy, or both).
Offer a small taste of our baby food puree (the tip of a teaspoon, for example). Wait 10 minutes, and if there are no signs of an allergic reaction, continue gradually feeding the remaining serving of the peanut-containing food at your baby’s natural feeding pace. Don’t worry if baby doesn’t finish the whole thing. Once baby is done eating, observe for another 30 minutes to ensure there are no signs of an allergic reaction. If a reaction does occur, stop feeding and immediately contact your healthcare provider or if the reaction is severe, emergency services. Read more about Symptoms of Allergic Reactions. If baby is able to tolerate the introduction of peanut into the diet, continue offering peanut at least twice a week. Studies show that sustained inclusion of peanut in the diet is key to its protective benefit against the development of peanut allergy.
6 to 9 months old: Thin unsalted, smooth peanut butter out with water, breast milk, formula or purées like applesauce and either serve on its own for finger painting or mix into other foods like yogurt (if dairy has been introduced) or other scoopable foods. Alternatively you can grind unsalted raw or roasted peanuts to a fine consistency, then sprinkle a pinch on top of soft, scoopable foods like mashed fruits and vegetables, warm cereal, or yogurt. You can also roll slippery fruits like avocado, banana, or mango in ground peanut to add grip.
9 to 12 months old: Continue to mix unsalted, smooth peanut butter into soft, scoopable foods, roll slippery foods in finely ground peanuts to add grip, and use peanut oil for cooking vegetables, grains, and other whole foods.
12 to 24 months old: At this age you spread unsalted, smooth peanut butter on toast, pancakes, bread and bagels and no longer need to thin it with water or other liquids. Avoid large globs of peanut butter and continue to finely grind whole peanuts.
24 months old and up: After a toddler’s second birthday, they may be ready for whole peanuts if the child has developed advanced chewing and swallowing skills. Approach this step with great care and consideration: whole peanuts are among the top causes of non-fatal and fatal food-related choking incidents among children younger than age 3 in North America.28 To reduce the risk, start by splitting the peanuts in half (the halves easily slide apart with some pressure from your fingers) and make sure the child is in a safe eating environment. Start with one piece at a time. Demonstrate placing the peanut on your own molars and chew in a very exaggerated fashion. Explain to the child how much noise your teeth make breaking down the peanut. Coach your child to do the same. You can count out loud how many crunches your child can make on a peanut, ensuring thorough mastication.
It's a fact!
Real talk: peanut makes people nervous. And for good reason: peanut is one of the most common food allergens in children.1 However, there is evidence that introducing peanut in a baby’s diet early and frequently may significantly reduce the risk of developing a peanut allergy.Conversely, delaying introduction of peanut may increase the likelihood of a peanut allergy later on in life in infants at high risk of peanut allergy.Classified as a major allergen by food regulators, peanut is not actually a nut, but rather the edible seed of a legume plant that grows underground. Early Spanish galleons introduced peanuts to the Pacific Islands, the Philippines, and Indonesia. By the early 1600's, peanuts had arrived in Malaysia, Vietnam, China, and Japan. India acquired the peanut from several routes in the 18th century: from Africa to Western India, from Manila to South India, from China to Bengal.1769 is the earliest documented account of peanuts in the North American British colonies. Peanuts were likely brought to North America by slaves from Africa, and the Caribbean before the USA existed. Once Europeans found peanuts they distributed them far, and fast.